Sunday, March 20, 2011

Appalachia and The Ozarks

This chapter focused on Appalachia and the Ozarks and how they are classified in the similar region because their topography is similar. The topography of Camarillo is much different then that of the Ozarks. The topography of Camariilo is pretty varied for being such a small city. We are bordered up against the Santa Monica Mountains that tower over the southern end of the city. There are mountains to the south that also border the edges of the county. Camarillo is known for the low lying agricultural fields that produce much of the local produce. One thing the book talks about is how the Ozarks were settled by different cultures that learned to live and work together. Camarillo is similar to this because the Spanish settlers tried to mix with some of the local Indians that weren't devastated by disease.  The book also highlights the Tennessee Valley Authority and how they helped protect the people living and working in the area. I searched for something like this that relates to this that would help protect the workers of the agricultural fields but was unable to find anything.
Below is a picture of the Agricultural fields and also in the same picture you can see how they go right up to the Santa Monica Mountains.

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