Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Agricultural Core

 Above is a great picture of a tractor in the fields with some beautiful clouds above.  http://image63.webshots.com/463/3/5/33/2980305330025506147ZKJXeg_ph.jpg

This section in the book was about the Agricultural Core and how they have good soil and good water waterways. This is something that Camarillo shares in common with the Agricultural Core. This area known as the Agricultural Core is a vast area that encompasses many major cities in the United States. Just as in this area, Camarillo also overlaps with other parts of the region. This was an important place for immigrants because this is where many from Mexico come to look for agricultural work. Camarillo is well known in the area for producing many different agricultural products and the many immigrants that have benefited from the work in the area. The climate is good for growing many crops and is similar to the Mediterranean area. One thing that we saw in the Agricultural Core was that much of the land was split up and divided among people so they had a more uniformed city. Much of the agricultural fields around Camarillo have been split up like this so that farmers can have the same amount of land as each  other so it is more fair. Most of the farms that are around here are family owned but are more large scale then most farms. These are very large businesses that employ a lot of people in the area.

Above is a picture of one of the many fields on the outside of the city. There are many different fruits and vegetables that are grown here.  http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fFGtAcAT3oIJ:www.city-data.com/picfilesc/picc22448.php+agriculture+camarillo&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a&source=www.google.com

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